Bilateral Anti-Entropy for Eventual Consistency
In PaPoC, May 2022.
Rebecca Bilbro and Benjamin Bengfort and Pete Keleher
Eventually consistent systems are often more cost-effective to implement and maintain than their strongly consistent cousins. Gossip-based anti-entropy methods can be used to improve the consistency of such systems. However, ob- servational data suggests that such improvements come at the cost of perennial data egress, significantly mitigating savings in a geo-replicated context. This paper presents ob- servations collected from an eventually consistent system deployed in production clusters across the US, Germany, and Singapore. A bilateral anti-entropy process facilitates data synchronization for an application accessed globally and around-the-clock. Replication metrics such as latency, conflict, and the duration and productivity of anti-entropy sessions seem to indicate that it is possible to quantify trade- offs between consistency and visibility latency such that staleness can be not only bounded, but fine-tuned.
title = "Bilateral Anti-Entropy for Eventual Consistency",
author = "Rebecca Bilbro and Benjamin Bengfort and Pete Keleher",
booktitle = {PaPoC},
month = {May},
year = {2022},
Available: bibtex, abstract, 